How can we increase effectiveness of recycling?
How can we increase the effectiveness of recycling? Recycling is a term we are hearing these days more often than before. It is an integral part of the circular economy [...]
Biocomposites processing guide for injection moulders
Biocomposites processing guide for injection molders Processing biocomposites is similar to that for conventional plastics, with few additional considerations Injection molders have enjoyed the ease of processing traditional plastics due [...]
What is Biodegradation – Explained
What is Biodegradation - Explained What is the meaning of Biodegradation? Biodegradation is the degradation of materials into environmentally acceptable products such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass, by the [...]
Biocomposites:The changing spectrum of a sustainable future
Biocomposites: The changing spectrum of a sustainable future Over the last two decades, the climate justice discourse has had a steady growth of followers by way of influencers and experts. [...]
Benefits of Sustainable Plastic
Benefits of Sustainable Plastic to the Environment Why do we need Sustainable plastic? The benefits of plastics are already known – versatile, safe, and economic. Used in making airplanes to [...]
We at Mynusco are transforming the plastics industry
We at Mynusco are transforming the plastics industry The production of plastics has steeply increased in the last 3 decades; ~36% of which is single-use, and almost all of it [...]